I love my devotion time. I have started a new one on the Bible app on my phone called "God's Goodness". I am really enjoying it.
God is ALWAYS with me!! No matter what I am going through He has His angels encamped around me:) This makes my heart smile. Not only does He want me to know He is there for me and he will fight my battles, but He wants me to fully understand it. I think sometimes I read His scriptures, but I don't fully grasp what He is really saying to me. I don't need to just read the verses, I need to meditate on them. I am learning to read more slowly and let it sink in! This particular verse reminds me of something that happened when I was 5. I have always looked up to my sister! I always wanted to be around her when I was younger. I wanted her to do my hair, paying my nails, do my makeup, well I guess you could say I wanted to be her:) That being said this particular day I wanted to ride home with her from town. She kindly agreed and I was as happy as could be sitting in the front seat with my big sister. On our way home I got sleepy, so I laid down with my head kinda in her lap (there was this thing called steering wheel that got in the way lol). Anyway I remember she was brushing my hair out of my face. That is the last thing I remember, then I woke up in the hospital. We had a wreck and wrapped my sisters new car around a tree. When I say wrapped I literally mean wrapped. My sister tried to shield the glass from the windshield from me and cut her arm open really bad. My eyes were swollen shut and I had a gash in my cheek. I joke with my sister all of the time and say she tried to kill me, but I know with out a doubt she loves me and that wasn't the case. Sometimes I think it was my fault because had I not gone to sleep maybe it wouldn't have happened. That is when I am reminded that everything happens for a reason and God had a reason in the wreck. He spared our lives!! The police and medics said we shouldn't have survived. They said had we not had on our seat belts we wouldn't have made it through, but that was not the reason we lived. We lived because God allowed us to!!! He knew one day we would come to know Him and want to work for Him.
I am so thankful to Him for allowing us to live that day!! I am also thankful for my wonderful family!
God is ALWAYS with me!! No matter what I am going through He has His angels encamped around me:) This makes my heart smile. Not only does He want me to know He is there for me and he will fight my battles, but He wants me to fully understand it. I think sometimes I read His scriptures, but I don't fully grasp what He is really saying to me. I don't need to just read the verses, I need to meditate on them. I am learning to read more slowly and let it sink in! This particular verse reminds me of something that happened when I was 5. I have always looked up to my sister! I always wanted to be around her when I was younger. I wanted her to do my hair, paying my nails, do my makeup, well I guess you could say I wanted to be her:) That being said this particular day I wanted to ride home with her from town. She kindly agreed and I was as happy as could be sitting in the front seat with my big sister. On our way home I got sleepy, so I laid down with my head kinda in her lap (there was this thing called steering wheel that got in the way lol). Anyway I remember she was brushing my hair out of my face. That is the last thing I remember, then I woke up in the hospital. We had a wreck and wrapped my sisters new car around a tree. When I say wrapped I literally mean wrapped. My sister tried to shield the glass from the windshield from me and cut her arm open really bad. My eyes were swollen shut and I had a gash in my cheek. I joke with my sister all of the time and say she tried to kill me, but I know with out a doubt she loves me and that wasn't the case. Sometimes I think it was my fault because had I not gone to sleep maybe it wouldn't have happened. That is when I am reminded that everything happens for a reason and God had a reason in the wreck. He spared our lives!! The police and medics said we shouldn't have survived. They said had we not had on our seat belts we wouldn't have made it through, but that was not the reason we lived. We lived because God allowed us to!!! He knew one day we would come to know Him and want to work for Him.
I am so thankful to Him for allowing us to live that day!! I am also thankful for my wonderful family!
I love you with all my heart. I thank God for having you as my sister but most important as my best friend.
ReplyDeleteI love you!!!!!!